February 2022 Role Call
Where in the World is Jay - February 2022

February 2022 Role Call

Catching up a little, below is not only the February content but a little spillover from January … but we’ll still say it’s the Feb role call. It’s actually been quite busy, between conference prep and community content. Massive thanks to Christian Buckley over at BuckleyPlanet for coordinating the M365AMA calls – what a great format!

Community Content

SharePoint is NOT a database. If you have 5MB of text, a SharePoint list column is NOT the right place to store it.

Notes on the Citizen Developer. SharePoint is a great tool for quickly creating prototypes, but if you find that your prototype is becoming a production-necessary tool, it’s time to start looking at things like Dataverse to store your data, because SOMEONE is going to edit that SharePoint list and break your tool. Also, IT is a business enabler, not a tool deployment team. Therefore, it’s very important to help the citizen developer understand not only what tools they have access to but what tools are GOOD for what they WANT to do.


These #M365AMA sessions are supposed to be short. 5 minutes, max. Clearly, when it comes to governance, there’s a LOT to talk about. Still, it’s 20 minutes of your time to dig into why you need governance in a #CitizenDeveloper’s world and, more importantly, what considerations you need to have when taking a prototype to production.

MFA is so important. SO IMPORTANT. Go check out this conversation to hear a little bit more about why.

Quality Associates, Inc., and DocPoint held an AMA on Twosday, February 22nd, and invited me alongside facilitator John Mancini, DocPoint’s SharePoint Architect Oliva Stewart, and DocPoint’s Director of Solutions and Technology Scott Money. What I really enjoyed about this conversation over most Migration discussions was the inclusion of Day Two: what you need to do AFTER the migration, and what parts of that need to be considered BEFORE you’re done.

Blogs Posts

I kicked off a new series of articles about OneNote. If you don’t use an electronic note-taking app, you’re missing out. If you’re using something else, like Evernote, I’d love to hear if you’ve considered/tried OneNote. This month I kicked off three episodes on the topic: tables, search, and sorting.

The February TweetJam is today, and I hope to participate (or at least lurke, again) but below is January’s tweetjam on Employee Experience.

My Podcasts & Videocasts

It’s been a busy month with This Week in Teams on OTSN. Very excited to push out some great interviews and episodes and new branding for the thumbnails!

For the Microsoft 365 Government Community Call, we had an amazing conversation with State of North Carolina’s Patrick Doran regarding the State’s use of Power Platform in which he shared some excellent practical uses for the citizen developer and where the State of North Carolina has utilized Power Platform to truly improve delivery of their services. Below is the YouTube video, but click through this link to the Microsoft Public Sector Tech Community to see full show notes and links to the resources mentioned during the call!

Upcoming Speaking and Conference Schedule

We have some great Spring and Summer conferences coming up, with a ton of Call of Speakers out today, but March itself should be fairly quiet. In fact, only one public speaking session:

March 23, 1200 EST – Teams Nation: Teams Nation is an international community event, one of the largest. This is their fifth 100% free, 100% community conference with 170 speakers and 140 sessions. It will also include an AltSpace VR after-party and will be keynoted by Karuana Gatimu, Jeff Teper, Rish Tandon, Mark KashMan, Mike Tholfsen, and Charles Lamanna. What a lineup; I’m so excited to be part of it. Exact details on our Teams Nation session are TBD, but I’m looking forward to a roundtable with US-based community champions Stacy Deere, Dan Rey, Craig Janke, and Shari Oswald discussing Adoption & Governance for Teams based on our experiences.

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