Where’d all the invitations go? Account Delegation in Microsoft 365

Where’d all the invitations go? Account Delegation in Microsoft 365
A graphic of a man with a long beard, frustrated by all the emails and invitations. Created by DALL-E.

Jay has been frustrated by because he has not received calendar invitations, only seeing appointments appear on his calendar. He recently discovered the issue was due to a previously selected account delegation setting, which determines who receives invitations and meeting notices. Jay provides a step by step guide to setup a delegate and set this specific setting.

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2023 in Review and Future Predictions #CollabTalk TweetJam

2023 in Review and Future Predictions #CollabTalk TweetJam
#CollabTalk TweetJam 2023 in Review December 27, 2023

December 27, 2023, brought us another great #CollabTalk TweetJam. The topic, 2023 in Review and Future Predictions, brought hundreds of posts about AI, adoption, licensing, and more. This post brings together Jay's answers to the seven questions alongside a few of his favorite from around the community.

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The Need for Governance Automation #CollabTalk TweetJam

The Need for Governance Automation #CollabTalk TweetJam
#CollabTalk TweetJam "The Need for Governance Automation"

Information Governance and Records Management are far from easy tasks. During this month's #CollabTalk TweetJam the community experts tackled the subject and gave their thoughts on Microsoft's successes and missteps in the arena.

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2023 Year-end Review #CollabTalk TweetJam

2023 Year-end Review #CollabTalk TweetJam
#CollabTalk TweetJam Year-end Review and Community Predictions

December 29th brought us another TweetJam. This month's topic brought together dozens of community champions to answer seven questions on Microsoft's business, Microsoft's technology, and the Microsoft Community.

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The M365 Struggle Bus #CollabTalk TweetJam

The M365 Struggle Bus #CollabTalk TweetJam
#CollabTalk TweetJam - Why Do Some Companies Struggle with Moving to the Cloud? Hosted online October 25, 2022

First of all, I can't believe I haven't blogged since February. I'm sorry. I mean, hopefully it only effects me, but I have so much I want to document and I keep not having time. New role, new team, new skills. Too hard to keep on top. Thanks to Christian for the excuse to easily pull together a blog based on these amazing #TweetJams

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#CollabTalk TweetJam January 2022

#CollabTalk TweetJam January 2022
CollabTalk TweetJam - January 2022 - Objectives, Key Results, and the Employee Experience

On January 25, 2022, Christian Buckley hosted the M365 community's monthly TweetJam, this time with a focus on Objectives, Key Results (OKR), and the Employee Experience (EXP). Unfortunately, I was…

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#CollabTalk TweetJam December 2021

#CollabTalk TweetJam December 2021
CollabTalk TweetJam - December 2021 - Collaboration Predictions for the Microsoft Ecosystem

Today, December 29th, Christian Buckley hosted his annual year-end wrap up #CollabTalk TweetJam. The December TweetJam is typically the largest of the year, with community members peeking out from behind their usual work to make their predictions for the Microsoft stack in 2022.

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