The following is an excerpt from an article of Jay’s from the AvePoint Blog. Click here for the full article.
Force Majeure is generally something referenced in a contract for unforeseeable circumstances, acts of nature, and other things that cannot be controlled by either side. An example of how this plays out can be seen in New York, where the prestigious Metropolitan Opera laid off all of its union employees amid the coronavirus pandemic.
From concerts, sporting events, and large gatherings to a spike in unemployment (even Amazon has limited incoming warehouse shipments to items deemed as relevant towards the coronavirus crisis), most companies are adopting a “work from home” policy.

Click through to read how Jay details why Microsoft Teams is the companion companies need to get through these unprecedented times within the following outline:
- Microsoft Teams is for You!
- Does the Infrastructure Scale?
- The Age of a Threenager
- Move ’em on, head ’em up: Roll it Out